Friday, March 28, 2008

Yeah, but it's cool...

DOOMSDAY It's pretty much scene quotes from Escape from New York and The Road Warrior and bits and pieces of other 80's exploitation movies. But. It's stylish and tense and Neil Marshall (director of scariest movie in years -- despite being another quote festival -- The Descent) seems to know exactly where the camera should go. And then there's lead actor Rhona Mitri. You could make a movie that's 90 minutes of just having the camera filming her walking around. And she's stylin' in the Snake Pliskin Eyepatch. I'd say it's actually a better movie than EFNY (an overated movie that's mostly about Kurt Russell's sneer), but not quite up to the mythic brutal beauty of the Road Warrior. There's a clever fairy tale built into Doomsday -- a princess returns to reclaim her kingdom -- its' a badass princess and a kingdom of cannibals, but that's sort of cool too...

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